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Wednesday 23 May 2012

The Bohr Radius

The Bohr Radius

 Personally, I think the Bohr model is underrated; and yes, there are more accurate models out there to represent atoms but still the Bohr model can give us a good description of ionic, metallic, and covalent bonds as well as the spectral lines of hydrogen.

 First, we need to understand that hydrogen is a simple two body system: an electron orbiting a proton in a circular orbit. The electron behaves both as a particle and a wave as represented by the de Broglie wave-equation: 

Solving simultaneously for p (electron momentum) gives us the equation:

The potential (V) of the particle can be given by

The kinetic energy (K) of a paricle of known momentum and mass can be worked out with the equation K=(p^2)/2m. The total energy of the particle is given by E=K+V. This means that the energy of the electron can be given by:

...which can be represented with the arbitrary constants A and B.

The Bohr Model explains that any change in electron energy comes with a change in the orbital radius. Therefore, the energy will be of a stationary value with respect to the radius in order to form a stable energy level.

Simply solve for r, substitute A and B, and simplify:

This gives us an orbital radius of around:

Therefore, to three significant figures, the radius of a hydrogen atom is 0.531 angstroms.


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